My purpose

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My purpose

April 24, 2020

Why do I do what I do ? and what is the purpose of my blog be whole creation ? As a Physical therapist , I have been in the business of rehabilitation,its the most gratifying career one could ask for , where I get to be a part of my patients journey to recovery to a normal life again.

My Mission statement : Dr’s add years to your life , I add life to your years . After a few years of being an othropedic therapist , I was looking for ways to challenge my self more professionally . Meanwhile I had my 2 kids , and post partum had my own pelvic pain issues and needed pelvic therapy , but they are very few pelvic therapist and the one I found was very far away. So I ended up rehabbing myself successfully , with my knowledge of being a othropedic PT. .

This was when I realized how few of pelvic therapist are available and how essential a service they are . I started my education of further specialized certification and took my boards and passed them.

I started working as a pelvic therapist and quickly came to understand the dire lack of awareness of the role of a pelvic therapist ‘s even among MD’s .Many of my patient came to see me with skepticism about efficacy of pelvic therapy , not sure what therapy with me entails .The purpose of this blog is to help raise awareness and bring solution to suffering .

I believe healing of the body is incomplete without the healing of the mind and soul , and when all these 3 aspects are addressed is when true wholeness is achieved . Hence the name of my blog be whole creation . We are created to be whole and function at our optimal best when we take care of our bodies and my goal is to help people guide them in that direction in a holistic approach . I am passionate about teaching my patients and give them the tools to use for life long . I believe in teaching them to fish than fish for them.

I see so much suffering among women and men who think there is no solution to their suffering I plan to change that with awareness .

What is your first thought when you think of Pelvic therapist ? I would like to hear your thoughts please comment below .
